Scientific Audit
RIVM Centre for Environmental Quality (Centrum Milieukwaliteit-MIL)
Report of the external audit committee February 2024
This report presents the evaluation of the research quality, the societal relevance and the viability of the Centre for Environmental Quality (Centrum voor Milieukwaliteit-MIL) of the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). This audit was commissioned by the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB, Commissie van Toezicht-CvT) of RIVM and was performed by an external audit committee. It forms part of a regular cycle of audits performed for the SAB, which supervises the scientific quality and independence of the RIVM. The committee based its conclusions on a self-evaluation report with additional documentation compiled by MIL; a stakeholder consultation report written by an independent consultant; and a series of dialogues with MIL experts and members of the MIL Management team during a two-day site visit in December 2023.